From Private Road Is The Winding Paved Driveway Meandering Through This Estate That Features Mature Trees, Thick Forest, Manicured Lawns, Spring-Fed Pond With Stream, Perennial Bed, Above-Ground Swimming Pool and Gazebo Site.
Featured "Home Of The Week" In The Toronto Star!. Click Here To Read the Article!
“The woodland to the west of the residence, with its old growth characteristics, has significant natural heritage value. It’s a pristine lowland woodland comprised of large trees, primarily white cedar and hemlock with scattered hardwood. Under the closed canopy, it is a mostly open woodland with a variety of native plants on the forest floor. A number of ground water upwellings form small watercourses that flow downslope to the Uxbridge Brook to the west. Together with woodlands on neighbouring properties, it provides a significant area of “interior forest habitat”, i.e. a core area greater than 100 metres from any edge, increasingly uncommon in southern Ontario. This is critical habitat for a variety of interior bird species, is a valuable linkage to a larger natural area, and will provide critical winter cover for the local deer herd.”
Dave Pridham
Central Ontario Forest Consulting
Phone – 705-324-2269
Website -
Swimming Pool